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Greg Lecker

Greg Lecker is a featured artist at Brookview in 2019.
Through vibrant oil pigment, Greg Lecker shares his impression of natural and man-made landscapes. We travel through an enchanting, ever-changing environment of visual stimulation. In direction, intensity, and color, the quality of light changes throughout the day and night. From season to season too, the illuminated environment is transformed. Throughout his practice as an architectural lighting designer for the past twenty-five years, light has been his medium. In his paintings, Greg uses light and color to render three-dimensional space on a flat piece of paper, wood, or cloth.
Greg has contributed illustrations and photography to MN Landscape Arboretum Nature Notes blog and to the Bryn Mawr Bugle neighborhood newspaper. His work has been exhibited at the MN State Fair and at the Bell Museum of Natural History.
Phone: (612) 207-4156
Website: www.greglecker.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregLeckerArts/
Email: gregelecker@gmail.com